
Career stories

31.12.2021 11:13

Ministerial Adviser Tiina Raijas

1. Who are you?

I’m Tiina Raijas and I work as a Ministerial Adviser in the Planning Unit.

2. What’s your job profile like?

I’m responsible for directing and coordinating the defence administration’s activities with regard to CBRN threat scenarios, which means chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats, and CBRN defence. In addition, I’m also in charge of arms control and disarmament, including conventional weapons, coordination of missile defence related matters and cooperation between the authorities in matters such as counterterrorism and health security. During my career, I’ve participated in the preparation of defence policy matters, for example in crisis management operations.

3. How did you come to work at the Ministry of Defence?

I was interested in defence and weapons of mass destruction already when I was studying international politics at the University of Tampere and my thesis was about problems related to weapons of mass destruction. I was first employed by the Defence Forces and then I moved on to work at the Ministry of Defence.

4. What kind of matters are now topical in your work?

Biological threats and global health security are topical issues, as are the authorities’ rapid and flexible response to threats posed by diverse changes in the operating environment.

5. How has the work culture in the Ministry of Defence changed during your career?

Working facilities have evolved, and for instance remote work is a great way of carrying out modern expert work. A large part of the expert work in our Department takes place on official journeys or outside the Ministry. Today, the more and more diverse work, the development of expertise and the fast tempo in the operating environment require flexibility from the organisation.

6. What is the best thing about your job?

The best aspects of this work are the constantly evolving administrative branch, international influencing and networking. And, of course, through my work I can influence the development of high-level Finnish expertise and participation in international activities.

7. Describe your workplace with a few words.

Our workplace is dynamic, productive and great!

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