
Bulletins and reports

01.02.2012 10:30

Finns' opinions on Foreign and Security policy, defence and security issues

The opinions of Finns about the foreign, security and defence policy of Finland and the reform of the Defence Forces were studied in an interview survey that was commissioned by the Advisory Board of Defence Information, ABDI. There were also questions about Finland‟s presence in Afghanistan, the factors that have an effect on Finland‟s security and the sense of security, the development of security in the five years to come and factors that cause concern. There were a total of 19 questions of which two were completely new.

The survey was done by the market research company Taloustutkimus Oy on commission by the ABDI, and it was conducted in interviews as part of an omnibus survey. A total of 965 persons were interviewed.

Report in english january 2012 (pdf) (236.1 KB)

MTS report january 2012 pictures in english (pdf) (292.3 KB)

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